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path: root/vendor/ProFi.lua
diff options
authorequa <>2021-04-18 14:45:55 -0500
committerequa <>2021-04-18 14:48:02 -0500
commit78530480d35be5dbb57f1a264147bec48d6cf800 (patch)
tree197350b11e46593db326b563e0917e9536329aa1 /vendor/ProFi.lua
parent0c8a8cf8d861bc4ef3162e45e8b58d2f0173d2f7 (diff)
visual changes (zooming) and optimization
also profiling
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/ProFi.lua')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ProFi.lua b/vendor/ProFi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989985f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/ProFi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ProFi v1.3, by Luke Perkin 2012. MIT Licence
+Updated to v1.4 by Robert Machmer 2017
+    Example:
+        ProFi = require 'ProFi'
+        ProFi:start()
+        some_function()
+        another_function()
+        coroutine.resume( some_coroutine )
+        ProFi:stop()
+        ProFi:writeReport( 'MyProfilingReport.txt' )
+    API:
+    *Arguments are specified as: type/name/default.
+        ProFi:start( string/once/nil )
+        ProFi:stop()
+        ProFi:checkMemory( number/interval/0, string/note/'' )
+        ProFi:writeReport( string/filename/'ProFi.txt' )
+        ProFi:reset()
+        ProFi:setHookCount( number/hookCount/0 )
+        ProFi:setGetTimeMethod( function/getTimeMethod/os.clock )
+        ProFi:setInspect( string/methodName, number/levels/1 )
+-- Locals:
+local ProFi = {}
+local onDebugHook, sortByDurationDesc, sortByCallCount, getTime
+local FORMAT_HEADER_LINE       = "| %-50s: %-40s: %-20s: %-12s: %-12s: %-12s|\n"
+local FORMAT_OUTPUT_LINE       = "| %s: %-12s: %-12s: %-12s|\n"
+local FORMAT_INSPECTION_LINE   = "> %s: %-12s\n"
+local FORMAT_MEMORY_LINE       = "| %-20s: %-16s: %-16s| %s\n"
+local FORMAT_HIGH_MEMORY_LINE  = "H %-20s: %-16s: %-16sH %s\n"
+local FORMAT_LOW_MEMORY_LINE   = "L %-20s: %-16s: %-16sL %s\n"
+local FORMAT_TITLE             = "%-50.50s: %-40.40s: %-20s"
+local FORMAT_LINENUM           = "%4i"
+local FORMAT_TIME              = "%04.3f"
+local FORMAT_RELATIVE          = "%03.2f%%"
+local FORMAT_COUNT             = "%7i"
+local FORMAT_KBYTES            = "%7i Kbytes"
+local FORMAT_MBYTES            = "%7.1f Mbytes"
+local FORMAT_MEMORY_HEADER1    = "\n=== HIGH & LOW MEMORY USAGE ===============================\n"
+local FORMAT_MEMORY_HEADER2    = "=== MEMORY USAGE ==========================================\n"
+local FORMAT_BANNER            = [[
+#####  ProFi, a lua profiler. This profile was generated on: %s
+#####  ProFi is created by Luke Perkin 2012 under the MIT Licence,
+#####  Version 1.3 Original gist can be found at
+#####  Version 1.4 Cleaned up code to work with luacheck
+-- Public Methods:
+Starts profiling any method that is called between this and ProFi:stop().
+Pass the parameter 'once' to so that this methodis only run once.
+ProFi:start( 'once' )
+function ProFi:start( param )
+    if param == 'once' then
+        if self:shouldReturn() then
+            return
+        else
+            self.should_run_once = true
+        end
+    end
+    self.has_started  = true
+    self.has_finished = false
+    self:resetReports( self.reports )
+    self:startHooks()
+    self.startTime = getTime()
+Stops profiling.
+function ProFi:stop()
+    if self:shouldReturn() then
+        return
+    end
+    self.stopTime = getTime()
+    self:stopHooks()
+    self.has_finished = true
+function ProFi:checkMemory( ninterval, note )
+    local time = getTime()
+    local interval = ninterval or 0
+    if self.lastCheckMemoryTime and time < self.lastCheckMemoryTime + interval then
+        return
+    end
+    self.lastCheckMemoryTime = time
+    local memoryReport = {
+        ['time']   = time;
+        ['memory'] = collectgarbage('count');
+        ['note']   = note or '';
+    }
+    table.insert( self.memoryReports, memoryReport )
+    self:setHighestMemoryReport( memoryReport )
+    self:setLowestMemoryReport( memoryReport )
+Writes the profile report to a file.
+Param: [filename:string:optional] defaults to 'ProFi.txt' if not specified.
+function ProFi:writeReport( filename )
+    if #self.reports > 0 or #self.memoryReports > 0 then
+        filename = filename or 'ProFi.txt'
+        self:sortReportsWithSortMethod( self.reports, self.sortMethod )
+        self:writeReportsToFilename( filename )
+        print( string.format("[ProFi]\t Report written to %s", filename) )
+        return true;
+    end
+Resets any profile information stored.
+function ProFi:reset()
+    self.reports = {}
+    self.reportsByTitle = {}
+    self.memoryReports  = {}
+    self.highestMemoryReport = nil
+    self.lowestMemoryReport  = nil
+    self.has_started  = false
+    self.has_finished = false
+    self.should_run_once = false
+    self.lastCheckMemoryTime = nil
+    self.hookCount = self.hookCount or DEFAULT_DEBUG_HOOK_COUNT
+    self.sortMethod = self.sortMethod or sortByDurationDesc
+    self.inspect = nil
+Set how often a hook is called.
+See for information.
+Param: [hookCount:number] if 0 ProFi counts every time a function is called.
+if 2 ProFi counts every other 2 function calls.
+function ProFi:setHookCount( hookCount )
+    self.hookCount = hookCount
+Set how the report is sorted when written to file.
+Param: [sortType:string] either 'duration' or 'count'.
+'duration' sorts by the time a method took to run.
+'count' sorts by the number of times a method was called.
+function ProFi:setSortMethod( sortType )
+    if sortType == 'duration' then
+        self.sortMethod = sortByDurationDesc
+    elseif sortType == 'count' then
+        self.sortMethod = sortByCallCount
+    end
+By default the getTime method is os.clock (CPU time),
+If you wish to use other time methods pass it to this function.
+Param: [getTimeMethod:function]
+function ProFi:setGetTimeMethod( getTimeMethod )
+    getTime = getTimeMethod
+Allows you to inspect a specific method.
+Will write to the report a list of methods that
+call this method you're inspecting, you can optionally
+provide a levels parameter to traceback a number of levels.
+Params: [methodName:string] the name of the method you wish to inspect.
+[levels:number:optional] the amount of levels you wish to traceback, defaults to 1.
+function ProFi:setInspect( methodName, levels )
+    if self.inspect then
+        self.inspect.methodName = methodName
+        self.inspect.levels = levels or 1
+    else
+        self.inspect = {
+            ['methodName'] = methodName;
+            ['levels'] = levels or 1;
+        }
+    end
+-- Implementations methods:
+function ProFi:shouldReturn( )
+    return self.should_run_once and self.has_finished
+function ProFi:getFuncReport( funcInfo )
+    local title = self:getTitleFromFuncInfo( funcInfo )
+    local funcReport = self.reportsByTitle[ title ]
+    if not funcReport then
+        funcReport = self:createFuncReport( funcInfo )
+        self.reportsByTitle[ title ] = funcReport
+        table.insert( self.reports, funcReport )
+    end
+    return funcReport
+function ProFi:getTitleFromFuncInfo( funcInfo )
+    local name        = or 'anonymous'
+    local source      = funcInfo.short_src or 'C_FUNC'
+    local linedefined = funcInfo.linedefined or 0
+    linedefined = string.format( FORMAT_LINENUM, linedefined )
+    return string.format(FORMAT_TITLE, source, name, linedefined)
+function ProFi:createFuncReport( funcInfo )
+    local funcReport = {
+        ['title']         = self:getTitleFromFuncInfo( funcInfo );
+        ['count'] = 0;
+        ['timer']         = 0;
+    }
+    return funcReport
+function ProFi:startHooks()
+    debug.sethook( onDebugHook, 'cr', self.hookCount )
+function ProFi:stopHooks()
+    debug.sethook()
+function ProFi:sortReportsWithSortMethod( reports, sortMethod )
+    if reports then
+        table.sort( reports, sortMethod )
+    end
+function ProFi:writeReportsToFilename( filename )
+    local file, err = filename, 'w' )
+    assert( file, err )
+    self:writeBannerToFile( file )
+    if #self.reports > 0 then
+        self:writeProfilingReportsToFile( self.reports, file )
+    end
+    if #self.memoryReports > 0 then
+        self:writeMemoryReportsToFile( self.memoryReports, file )
+    end
+    file:close()
+function ProFi:writeProfilingReportsToFile( reports, file )
+    local totalTime = self.stopTime - self.startTime
+    local totalTimeOutput =  string.format(FORMAT_TOTALTIME_LINE, totalTime)
+    file:write( totalTimeOutput )
+    local header = string.format( FORMAT_HEADER_LINE, "FILE", "FUNCTION", "LINE", "TIME", "RELATIVE", "CALLED" )
+    file:write( header )
+    for _, funcReport in ipairs( reports ) do
+        local timer         = string.format(FORMAT_TIME, funcReport.timer)
+        local count         = string.format(FORMAT_COUNT, funcReport.count)
+        local relTime         = string.format(FORMAT_RELATIVE, (funcReport.timer / totalTime) * 100 )
+        local outputLine    = string.format(FORMAT_OUTPUT_LINE, funcReport.title, timer, relTime, count )
+        file:write( outputLine )
+        if funcReport.inspections then
+            self:writeInpsectionsToFile( funcReport.inspections, file )
+        end
+    end
+function ProFi:writeMemoryReportsToFile( reports, file )
+    file:write( FORMAT_MEMORY_HEADER1 )
+    self:writeHighestMemoryReportToFile( file )
+    self:writeLowestMemoryReportToFile( file )
+    file:write( FORMAT_MEMORY_HEADER2 )
+    for _, memoryReport in ipairs( reports ) do
+        local outputLine = self:formatMemoryReportWithFormatter( memoryReport, FORMAT_MEMORY_LINE )
+        file:write( outputLine )
+    end
+function ProFi:writeHighestMemoryReportToFile( file )
+    local memoryReport = self.highestMemoryReport
+    local outputLine   = self:formatMemoryReportWithFormatter( memoryReport, FORMAT_HIGH_MEMORY_LINE )
+    file:write( outputLine )
+function ProFi:writeLowestMemoryReportToFile( file )
+    local memoryReport = self.lowestMemoryReport
+    local outputLine   = self:formatMemoryReportWithFormatter( memoryReport, FORMAT_LOW_MEMORY_LINE )
+    file:write( outputLine )
+function ProFi:formatMemoryReportWithFormatter( memoryReport, formatter )
+    local time       = string.format(FORMAT_TIME, memoryReport.time)
+    local kbytes     = string.format(FORMAT_KBYTES, memoryReport.memory)
+    local mbytes     = string.format(FORMAT_MBYTES, memoryReport.memory/1024)
+    local outputLine = string.format(formatter, time, kbytes, mbytes, memoryReport.note)
+    return outputLine
+function ProFi:writeBannerToFile( file )
+    local banner = string.format(FORMAT_BANNER,
+    file:write( banner )
+function ProFi:writeInpsectionsToFile( inspections, file )
+    local inspectionsList = self:sortInspectionsIntoList( inspections )
+    file:write('\n==^ INSPECT ^======================================================================================================== COUNT ===\n')
+    for _, inspection in ipairs( inspectionsList ) do
+        local line             = string.format(FORMAT_LINENUM, inspection.line)
+        local title         = string.format(FORMAT_TITLE, inspection.source,, line)
+        local count         = string.format(FORMAT_COUNT, inspection.count)
+        local outputLine    = string.format(FORMAT_INSPECTION_LINE, title, count )
+        file:write( outputLine )
+    end
+    file:write('===============================================================================================================================\n\n')
+function ProFi:sortInspectionsIntoList( inspections )
+    local inspectionsList = {}
+    for _, inspection in pairs(inspections) do
+        inspectionsList[#inspectionsList+1] = inspection
+    end
+    table.sort( inspectionsList, sortByCallCount )
+    return inspectionsList
+function ProFi:resetReports( reports )
+    for _, report in ipairs( reports ) do
+        report.timer = 0
+        report.count = 0
+        report.inspections = nil
+    end
+function ProFi:shouldInspect( funcInfo )
+    return self.inspect and self.inspect.methodName ==
+function ProFi:getInspectionsFromReport( funcReport )
+    local inspections = funcReport.inspections
+    if not inspections then
+        inspections = {}
+        funcReport.inspections = inspections
+    end
+    return inspections
+function ProFi:getInspectionWithKeyFromInspections( key, inspections )
+    local inspection = inspections[key]
+    if not inspection then
+        inspection = {
+            ['count']  = 0;
+        }
+        inspections[key] = inspection
+    end
+    return inspection
+function ProFi:doInspection( inspect, funcReport )
+    local inspections = self:getInspectionsFromReport( funcReport )
+    local levels = 5 + inspect.levels
+    local currentLevel = 5
+    while currentLevel < levels do
+        local funcInfo = debug.getinfo( currentLevel, 'nS' )
+        if funcInfo then
+            local source = funcInfo.short_src or '[C]'
+            local name = or 'anonymous'
+            local line = funcInfo.linedefined
+            local key =
+            local inspection = self:getInspectionWithKeyFromInspections( key, inspections )
+            inspection.source = source
+   = name
+            inspection.line = line
+            inspection.count = inspection.count + 1
+            currentLevel = currentLevel + 1
+        else
+            break
+        end
+    end
+function ProFi:onFunctionCall( funcInfo )
+    local funcReport = ProFi:getFuncReport( funcInfo )
+    funcReport.callTime = getTime()
+    funcReport.count = funcReport.count + 1
+    if self:shouldInspect( funcInfo ) then
+        self:doInspection( self.inspect, funcReport )
+    end
+function ProFi:onFunctionReturn( funcInfo )
+    local funcReport = ProFi:getFuncReport( funcInfo )
+    if funcReport.callTime then
+        funcReport.timer = funcReport.timer + (getTime() - funcReport.callTime)
+    end
+function ProFi:setHighestMemoryReport( memoryReport )
+    if not self.highestMemoryReport then
+        self.highestMemoryReport = memoryReport
+    else
+        if memoryReport.memory > self.highestMemoryReport.memory then
+            self.highestMemoryReport = memoryReport
+        end
+    end
+function ProFi:setLowestMemoryReport( memoryReport )
+    if not self.lowestMemoryReport then
+        self.lowestMemoryReport = memoryReport
+    else
+        if memoryReport.memory < self.lowestMemoryReport.memory then
+            self.lowestMemoryReport = memoryReport
+        end
+    end
+-- Local Functions:
+getTime = os.clock
+onDebugHook = function( hookType )
+    local funcInfo = debug.getinfo( 2, 'nS' )
+    if hookType == "call" then
+        ProFi:onFunctionCall( funcInfo )
+    elseif hookType == "return" then
+        ProFi:onFunctionReturn( funcInfo )
+    end
+sortByDurationDesc = function( a, b )
+    return a.timer > b.timer
+sortByCallCount = function( a, b )
+    return a.count > b.count
+-- Return Module:
+return ProFi