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path: root/lib
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authorequa <>2021-04-23 18:20:01 -0500
committerequa <>2021-04-23 18:20:01 -0500
commit5886071e3e05e6d75ffe0990776b5bd407f7ce3d (patch)
tree655d8f9cd3d724cfc39e10e6c410605ad012a5a8 /lib
parent465b2e11a689526c7a830bb50483dc772d359f84 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 88 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/main.fnl b/lib/main.fnl
index e88f704..b657d94 100644
--- a/lib/main.fnl
+++ b/lib/main.fnl
@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@
   (when profi?
+(fn love.mousepressed [x y button]
+  (match (pcall #(state.mousepressed the-state x y button))
+    (true x) nil
+    (false x) (do
+                (print (.. "mousepressed: \n" x))
+                (table.insert messages
+                              {:ticks 5
+                               :msg (.. "mousepressed: \n" x)}))))
 (fn love.keypressed [key scancode repeat]
   (when (and (= key "f") (not repeat))
     (love.window.setFullscreen (not (love.window.getFullscreen))))
diff --git a/lib/state.fnl b/lib/state.fnl
index 41dc312..a0ddd11 100644
--- a/lib/state.fnl
+++ b/lib/state.fnl
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
  ;; i hope
  :draw (proto.meta-method-opt :state.draw)
  :keypressed (proto.meta-method-opt :state.keypressed)
+ :mousepressed (proto.meta-method-opt :state.mousepressed)
diff --git a/lib/transition.fnl b/lib/transition.fnl
index e62dcb8..c1a81a0 100644
--- a/lib/transition.fnl
+++ b/lib/transition.fnl
@@ -3,6 +3,53 @@
 (local translation (require :lib.translation))
 (local music-state (require
+(fn get-scale []
+  (if (> (select 2 ( 600)
+         2
+         1))
+(fn draw-boxes [boxes scale tab]
+  (let [(width height) (
+        (mouse-x mouse-y) (love.mouse.getPosition)
+        mouse-x (/ (- mouse-x (/ width 2)) scale)
+        mouse-y (/ (- mouse-y (/ height 2)) scale)]
+    (each [i box (ipairs boxes)]
+      (if (and (>= mouse-x box.x)
+               (< mouse-x (+ box.x box.width))
+               (>= mouse-y box.y)
+               (< mouse-y (+ box.y box.height)))
+          ( 1 1 1 0.2)
+          ( 1 1 1 0.1))
+      ( :fill
+                               (* scale box.x)
+                               (* scale box.y)
+                               (* scale box.width)
+                               (* scale box.height))
+      (when (= tab i)
+        ( 1 1 1 0.2)
+        ( :line
+                                 (* scale box.x)
+                                 (* scale box.y)
+                                 (* scale box.width)
+                                 (* scale box.height)))
+      ( (. font (* 12 scale)))
+      ( 1 1 1 0.8)
+      ( (box.text)
+                            (* scale box.x)
+                            (* scale (+ box.y (/ box.height 6)))
+                            (* scale box.width)
+                            :center)
+      )))
+(local boxes
+  {:menu
+   [{:x -106 :y 94 :width 212 :height 24 :text #translation.text.start
+     :action (fn [self] (set self.transition true))}
+    {:x -106 :y 130 :width 100 :height 24 :text #"toki pona"
+     :action #(set translation.text}
+    {:x 6 :y 130 :width 100 :height 24 :text #"english"
+     :action #(set translation.text translation.en)}]})
 (fn draw [self]
   (local (width height) (
   (state.draw self.present-state)
@@ -10,9 +57,9 @@
   ( (/ width 2) (/ height 2))
   ;; TODO: this scaling is pretty limited and should probably get bigger!
-  (local scale (if (> height 600)
-                   2
-                   1))
+  (local scale (get-scale))
+  (when (. boxes self.type)
+    (draw-boxes (. boxes self.type) scale
   ( 0.8 0.8 0.8 (/ (math.max 0 (- self.age 30)) 10))
   ( (. font (* 48 scale)))
   ( (string.format
@@ -43,19 +90,39 @@
 (fn keypressed [self key scancode repeat]
-  (when (and (not repeat) (or (and (= self.type :pause)
-                                   (= key :escape))
-                              (= key :z)))
+  (when (and (not repeat) (= self.type :pause) (= key :escape))
     (set self.transition true))
+  (when (and (not repeat) (or (= key :z) (= key :return)))
+    (if (and (. boxes self.type) (> 0))
+        ((. boxes self.type :action) self)
+        (set self.transition true)))
+  (when (and (= key :tab) (. boxes self.type))
+    (set (+ (% (length (. boxes self.type))) 1)))
+(fn mousepressed [self x y button]
+  (let [(width height) (
+        scale (get-scale)
+        x (/ (- x (/ width 2)) scale)
+        y (/ (- y (/ height 2)) scale)]
+    (print x y)
+    (when (and (= button 1) (. boxes self.type))
+      (print :a)
+      (each [i box (ipairs (. boxes self.type))]
+        (when (and (>= x box.x)
+                   (< x (+ box.x box.width))
+                   (>= y box.y)
+                   (< y (+ box.y box.height)))
+          (box.action self))))))
 (fn init [self type present-state future-state level]
     {: type
      : present-state
      : level
      : future-state
+     :tab 0
      :age (if (or (= type :pause) (= type :menu)) 40 0)}
-{state.draw draw state.init init state.update update state.keypressed keypressed}
+{state.draw draw state.init init state.update update state.keypressed keypressed state.mousepressed mousepressed}
diff --git a/lib/translation.fnl b/lib/translation.fnl
index ee19879..e50a836 100644
--- a/lib/translation.fnl
+++ b/lib/translation.fnl
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
   {:death ["ike a" "sina moli lon musi nanpa %s\n\nnena Z li open e musi sin"]
    :win ["pona a" "sina pini e musi nanpa %s\n\nnena Z li tawa musi kama!"]
    :pause ["awen" "nena Z li open sin e musi"]
+   :start "o musi"
    :menu ["soko"
-          "tan soweli nata\n\n\nnena Z li open e musi\n\nmusi la\nnena ←↑→ li tawa e tomo\nnena Z li pana e kiwen seli"]
+          "tan soweli nata\n\n\nmusi la\nnena ←↑→ li tawa e tomo\nnena Z li pana e kiwen seli"]
    :number (fn [x] (string.gsub
                      (.. (string.rep "ale " (math.floor (/ x 100)))
                          (string.rep "mute " (math.floor (/ (% x 100) 20)))
@@ -18,8 +19,9 @@
   {:death ["ike a" "you died on level %s\n\npress Z to restart"]
    :win ["pona a" "you beat level %s\n\npress Z to advance!"]
    :pause ["pause" "press Z to continue"]
+   :start "play"
    :menu ["soko"
-          "by soweli nata\n\n\npress Z to start\n\ncontrols\nhold ←↑→ to move\npress Z to fire"]
+          "by soweli nata\n\n\ncontrols\nhold ←↑→ to move\npress Z to fire"]
    :number tostring})
 {: en : tp :text tp}