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path: root/make-regex.fnl
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authorequa <equaa@protonmail.com>2021-12-24 22:59:02 -0600
committerequa <equaa@protonmail.com>2021-12-24 22:59:02 -0600
commit7487469113eed2daea6c46d2dc50818f4cd62951 (patch)
tree1633d9ed6e73231788190fda740f685c11e0ecf9 /make-regex.fnl
Diffstat (limited to 'make-regex.fnl')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make-regex.fnl b/make-regex.fnl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e03f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make-regex.fnl
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+(fn fv [...] (print ((require :fennel.view) ...)))
+;; this program optimizes regex using a few fixed patterns
+;; (that can be adjusted)
+;; its input is a list of possible strings we want to match (specifically as a
+;; unicode data file: read emoji-test.txt to see how that looks)
+;; this program is specifically optimized to make a template for the YAGPDB
+;; discord bot, which is why i'm trying to make it shorter in the first place.
+;; there are a few mismatches between things that discord thinks are emoji and
+;; things that unicode thinks are emoji, like regional indicators. i add these
+;; outside of the program to save myself the thought.
+;; a replacement has its id, which it is replaced with in the string
+;; it has to be something that doesn't appear in the regex. thankfully, we
+;; escape all of the ascii characters from the emoji, so only \, x, hex
+;; numbers, and regex characters are unsfae. here we'll use capital letters
+;; from g to w
+;; then it has the Set of possibilities that we want to replace, and the regex
+;; for those
+;; we do a replacement when all of the possibilities can be collapsed into one
+;; we also have
+(local replacements
+  ;; gender
+  [{:id "g"
+    :options ["\u{200d}\u{2640}"
+              "\u{200d}\u{2642}"]
+    :regex "[\u{2640}\u{2642}]"}
+   ;; skin tone (including null)
+   {:id "s"
+    :options ["" "\u{1f3fb}" "\u{1f3fc}" "\u{1f3fd}" "\u{1f3fe}" "\u{1f3ff}"]
+    :regex "[\u{1f3fb}\u{1f3fc}\u{1f3fd}\u{1f3fe}\u{1f3ff}]?"}
+   ;; skin tone (excluding null)
+   {:id "S"
+    :options ["\u{1f3fb}" "\u{1f3fc}" "\u{1f3fd}" "\u{1f3fe}" "\u{1f3ff}"]
+    :regex "[\u{1f3fb}\u{1f3fc}\u{1f3fd}\u{1f3fe}\u{1f3ff}]"}
+   ;; variant selector thing
+   {:id "v"
+    :options ["" "\u{fe0f}"]
+    :regex "\u{fe0f}?"}
+   ;; man, woman
+   ;; there's so much gender weirdness in unicode combinations that including
+   ;; "person" here makes things longer :/
+   {:id "p"
+    :options ["\u{1f468}" "\u{1f469}"]
+    :regex "[\u{1f468}\u{1f469}]"}
+   ;; just person
+   ;; we do this because yagpdb's interface large codepoints as 2 chars
+   {:id "P"
+    :options ["\u{1f9d1}"]
+    :regex "\u{1f9d1}"}
+   ])
+(local emoji
+  (icollect [line (io.lines "emoji-test.txt")]
+    (do
+      (var x "")
+      (each [guy (string.gmatch line "[^ ]+") :until (. {";" true
+                                                         "#" true}
+                                                        (string.sub guy 1 1))]
+        (let [num (tonumber guy 16)]
+          (set x (.. x (if (< num 128)
+                           (string.format "\\x%02x" num)
+                           (utf8.char num))))))
+      (if (> (length x) 0)
+          x
+          nil))))
+;; find possible matches of options. returns list of prefix-suffix pairs to put
+;; around possibilities etc
+(fn find-matches [str replacement]
+  (local out [])
+  (each [_ option (ipairs replacement.options)]
+    (var start 1)
+    (while (string.find str option start true)
+      (let [(x y) (string.find str option start true)]
+        (set start (+ x 1))
+        (table.insert out [(string.sub str 1 (- x 1)) (string.sub str (+ y 1))]))))
+  out)
+;; with a list of pairs and a list of options, generate a list of reductions,
+;; ignoring whether they are actually valid
+(fn iterate-options [pattern-pairs replacement]
+  (icollect [_ pair (ipairs pattern-pairs)]
+    {:pattern (.. (. pair 1) replacement.id (. pair 2))
+     :matches
+     (icollect [_ option (ipairs replacement.options)]
+       (.. (. pair 1) option (. pair 2)))}))
+;; reduce set of patterns via one replacement. only does one round, which is to
+;; say that if there are multiple of the same replacement that can be done on
+;; one string (i.e. two different skin tones in the kissing emoji sequences),
+;; we'll have to run it twice. for this reason we also return a boolean saying
+;; if we actually modified the data at all.
+(fn reduce-set [patterns replacement]
+  (var out [])
+  (var dirty? false)
+  (local map (collect [_ k (ipairs patterns)] (values k true)))
+  (each [_ pattern (ipairs patterns)]
+    (local possibilities (iterate-options (find-matches pattern replacement)
+                                          replacement))
+    (each [_ reduction (ipairs possibilities)]
+      (when (accumulate [ok true _ v (ipairs reduction.matches)]
+              (and ok (. map v)))
+        (table.insert out reduction.pattern)
+        (each [_ v (ipairs reduction.matches)]
+          (tset map v false))))
+    (if (. map pattern)
+        (do
+          (table.insert out pattern)
+          (tset map pattern false))
+        (set dirty? true)))
+  (values out dirty?))
+(fn fully-reduce-set [patterns replacement]
+  (var out patterns)
+  (var dirty? true)
+  (while dirty?
+    (set (out dirty?) (reduce-set out replacement)))
+  out)
+(fn reduce-all [patterns replacements]
+  (accumulate [out patterns _ r (ipairs replacements)]
+    (fully-reduce-set out r)))
+;; TODO: this is a bad name
+;; we find the longest possible string for any set of replacements
+;; for greedy matching/sorting weirdness
+(fn process-replacements [pattern replacements]
+  (accumulate [out pattern _ r (ipairs replacements)]
+    (string.gsub pattern r.id
+                 (accumulate [x "" _ v (ipairs r.options)]
+                   (if (< (utf8.len x) (utf8.len v))
+                       v
+                       x)))))
+;; sort by length and then by unicode value (longest first)
+(fn utf8-comp [a b replacements]
+  (local a (process-replacements a replacements))
+  (local b (process-replacements b replacements))
+  (if (not= (utf8.len a) (utf8.len b))
+      (> (utf8.len a) (utf8.len b))
+      (not= (utf8.codepoint a) (utf8.codepoint b))
+      (< (utf8.codepoint a) (utf8.codepoint b))
+      (= (utf8.len a) 1)
+      false
+      true
+      (utf8-comp (string.sub a (utf8.offset a 2))
+                 (string.sub b (utf8.offset b 2))
+                 [])))
+;; inner unescaped regex with ranges etc
+;; we do the longest patterns first since yagpdb's regex engine wants to
+;; match the first allowed OR clause
+(fn inner-regex [final-set replacements]
+  (local things (icollect [_ v (ipairs final-set)] v))
+  (table.sort things #(utf8-comp $1 $2 replacements))
+  (var map (collect [_ v (ipairs final-set)] (values v true)))
+  (var replacement-map (collect [_ v (ipairs replacements)]
+                         (values v.id v)))
+  (var out [""])
+  (each [_ v (ipairs things)]
+    (when (or (< 1 (utf8.len v))
+              (. replacement-map v))
+      (table.insert out (.. v "|"))))
+  (table.insert out "[")
+  (each [_ v (ipairs things)]
+    (when (and (= 1 (utf8.len v)) (not (. replacement-map v)))
+      (let [min-codepoint (utf8.codepoint v)
+            max-codepoint (do
+                            (var x min-codepoint)
+                            (while (. map (utf8.char x))
+                              (set x (+ x 1)))
+                            (- x 1))]
+        (if (< 2 (- max-codepoint min-codepoint))
+            (do
+              (table.insert out (.. (utf8.char min-codepoint)
+                                    "-"
+                                    (utf8.char max-codepoint)))
+              (for [i min-codepoint max-codepoint]
+                (tset map (utf8.char i) false)))
+            (do
+              (table.insert out v)
+              (tset map v false))))))
+  (table.insert out "]")
+  (table.concat out))
+;;; yagpdb-specific stuff from here on out!
+(fn yagpdb-escape [str]
+  (-> str
+      (string.gsub "\\" "\\\\")
+      (string.gsub "\"" "\\\"")))
+(fn yagpdb-output [patterns replacements]
+  (var out [])
+  (table.insert out
+                (string.format
+                  "{{ $regex := \"%s\" }}"
+                  (yagpdb-escape
+                    (inner-regex (reduce-all emoji replacements) replacements))))
+  (icollect [_ replacement (pairs replacements) :into out]
+    (string.format "{{ $regex = joinStr \"%s\" (split $regex \"%s\") }}"
+                   (yagpdb-escape replacement.regex)
+                   (yagpdb-escape replacement.id)))
+  (table.concat out "\n"))
+(io.write (yagpdb-output emoji replacements))